Festivus Links #23

"With an estimated 2.4 million street lamp lights in service across Australia, there’s lots at stake when a city, town or council area considers how it should best provide public illumination."

"The traditional Festivus dish is meatloaf."

"For those who are looking for a holiday to celebrate without distracting tinsel, a Southside family has started a "Festivus" tradition.

"Superman's strength grew in response to each new challenge, reaching immeasurable (and sometimes ridiculous) levels of power."

"Since we don’t spend December shopping and wrapping any more, we give each other the gift of time instead."

"A man who rescued a suitcase of photos from a skip has said he wants to find the owner's family because they "belong back with his relatives"."

"It’s a Sin has been voted the Guardian’s best TV show of the year. Russell T Davies reveals why it took him 30 years to write, who the real Colin is – and why he just can’t keep away from Doctor Who."

"Santa and his elves have plenty of their own deliveries to make, but first
they’re here to help with ours! Can you find all 100 elves and Santa?"

"We were invited for a sneak peak at a Newark bakery which has churned out more than 1,000 mince pies this Christmas."

"Photographer Ben Lord captured Suffolk's festive spirit on camera with these stunning images of Bury St Edmunds after dark."

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