Syntax (Short Trips: Life Sciences)

Prose  Another "with Izzy" exploit from David Bailey and like his later Illumination from Christmas Around The World, he captures this particular Doctor/companion relationship perfectly.  There's a moment when Izzy recounts one of the Doctor's lectures back to him and you can imagine a couple of frames in the comic in which the speech bubble almost crowds out her head.  The story itself, about a sentient pheromone which enslaves the population of a planet would work as a two or three part strip with plenty of scope for outlandish artwork, especially when Izzy is under the influence of the atmosphere.  Unless something changes, this will be last of the stories I'll be reading featuring this most important of characters and I'm really going to miss her adventures.  I'll certainly be having another look at the comics once I'm all caught up with the Eighth Doctor's other adventures.

Placement: Tucked in between TV Action! and Illumination.

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