The Party Manifestoes 2024:
Green Party

Politics  The Green Party manifesto comes in three flavours, the easy read (designed by Inspired Services Publishing for people with learning difficulties), the short version (bullet points and stock photos) and the long version (all text, no filler).  For the purposes of this investigation I shall be consulting the long version although I'll use the cover of the short version with the Obama slogan on the front for illustrative purposes.  


The Green Party Manifesto doesn't mention the BBC or broadcasting at all apart from in the broadest sense of "the media".  They say:

Which sounds fine in theory but depends on how that 20% is measured.  By audience?  By profits?  By the amount of content produced?

Global Emissions

It's the Green Party!  So let's just stick to the three topics.  On Net Zero:

Which is the only mention of net zero in the document but in the section about green energy they propose the de-carbonizing of energy systems by 2030.  

On roof top solar panels:

The short version also has this stock photo:

My guess is roof top solar will only really take off when there's a version which doesn't look so ugly on existing properties and can deal with gables.

On subsidies, you'll be unsurprised to see:

It's worth noting throughout manifesto, unlike some previous years, the Greens are very aware that they're not going to be in government so much of the time it suggests "Green MPs will push for ..."  They're just hoping to have more than one MP in this election of all elections.


The best offer so far:

It's not very specific but it'll very much do.

Film Industry

A section titled "digital rights" calls for the regulation of social media providers and AI plus:

"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Gender Equality

Unlike other parties, the Greens manifesto spreads policies regarding diversity throughout the manifesto rather than lumping it all into a single section.  Some examples.  Under mental health:

They're unfortunately missing a comma between Gay and Bisexual, but they're also the first party to explain the acronym and include intersex and ace people.


When I was at school we were taught that there were two genders and two men kissing on television was still a scandal.  Please can we not return to that era?

On human rights:

A Private Members Bill was introduced in 2019 to abolish the spousal veto and judging by this manifesto pledge it didn't go anywhere.  It's an extremely weird piece of fuckery which was introduced during the coalition government in 2013 that I previously hadn't been aware of and is amazingly stupid.  Here's an explainer from The Pink Paper.  


The Greens are advocating not just for the enfranchisement of over 15s but also for young MPs.

They're surprisingly woolly about PR:

No sundries this time.  Of all the parties, I would have thought the Greens might have mentioned the Sugababes, that most recycled of pop bands.

I might still vote for them nonetheless.

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