The Party Manifestoes 2024:
Liberal Democrats

  Back in 2015, before we entered this strange dystopian future where AI is rampant and disease and war ravage the earth, I decided to have a look at the various party manifestos during the general election to see how they reflected on various key areas: the BBC, global emissions, libraries, film industry and gender equality.  In an attempt to engage with an election which is still a foregone conclusion in our incredibly safe seat, and out of curiosity, I thought I'd have another go.  

Unlike last time though, I'm going to be focus a bit more on specific elements of each and ask: Is the licence fee mentioned and how will the BBC be funded going forward?  What is their net zero target, will they promote rooftop solar panels and if they'll be subsidising fossil fuels.  Is the plan to open more libraries?  How much does the manifesto focus on supporting film distribution and cinemas?  What protections are offered for the LGBTQA+ community, particularly trans rights?

I'm also adding a sixth topic, "democracy" focusing on reducing the voting age, removing voter IDs and the introduction of proportional representation.  Also bonus points if any of them mention Doctor Who, Liverpool, Shakespeare or the Sugababes.

We begin with the LibDems, the party I hate to love.  For the most part there's nothing especially inspiring or innovative in here.  On these topics it's very "we'd better put something about that in" and bare minimum.  The manifesto mainly focuses on social care, health and education.


The Culture, Media and Sport section of the manifesto is three and a half pages although one of these is a photo of someone holding a steady cam (most of the illustrative images in the document feature hands and hugs).  Here are the three occasions the BBC is mentioned:
"Protect the BBC, S4C, BBC Alba and Channel 4 as independent, publicly owned, public service broadcasters."

"Support the BBC both to provide impartial news and information, and to take a leading role in increasing media literacy and educating all generations in tackling the impact of fake news."

"Properly fund the impartial BBC World Service from the Foreign Office budget and restore its global reach."

There's not direct mention of the licence fee although that would increase a bit with the funding for the world service returning to the Foreign Office budget.

Global Emissions

"Liberal Democrats are committed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2045 at the latest."

"Drive a rooftop solar revolution by expanding incentives for households to install solar panels, including a guaranteed fair price for electricity sold back into the grid."

"Implementing the UK’s G7 pledge to end fossil fuel subsidies, while ensuring a just transition that values the skills and experience of people working in the oil and gas industry and provides good opportunities for them, and takes special care of the regions and communities most affected."
If this is the LibDem approach, I'm not looking forward to the other parties.  It is worth noting that in the 2015, the net zero target was 2050.  The "climate change" section of the manifesto is five and a half pages including a nice picture of some windmills but it still feels like too little too late.  We needed to stop using fossil fuels decades ago but we're still talking here about transitioning out.


Are not mentioned at all in the LibDem manifesto.  For shame.

Film Industry

Neither is the film industry.

Gender Equality

As expected the LibDem section on "rights and equalities" is woke as fuck.  

In terms of LGBTQA+ protections it says they will "respect and defend the rights of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, including trans and non-binary people" and "reform the gender recognition process to remove the requirement for medical reports, recognise non-binary identities in law, and remove the spousal veto."  

Elsewhere in the international section:
"Offering asylum to people fleeing the risk of violence because of their sexual orientation or gender identification, ending the culture of disbelief for LGBT+ asylum seekers, and never refusing an LGBT+ applicant on the basis that they could be discreet."
"Developing a comprehensive strategy for promoting the decriminalisation of homosexuality and advancing LGBT+ rights."
Which is all good although in an ideal world you wouldn't have to even mention any of this.  

"Ensure no politician can take you for granted, by introducing proportional representation by the Single Transferable Vote for electing MPs, and local councillors in England."

"Strengthen democratic rights and participation by scrapping the Conservatives’ voter ID scheme and giving 16- and 17-year-olds the right to vote."
Perfect.  I might vote for them, even if they do hate libraries, films, Doctor Who, Shakespeare, Liverpool and the Sugababes.

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