The Party Manifestos 2024:
The Reform Party.

Politics  Back in when I did this exercise in 2015, I covered UKIP and have been considering whether to bother with their latest iteration, especially since I'm not a media organisation per se and don't have to follow the whims of Ofcom or whoever in relation to balance.  But I am a firm believer in knowing who your enemy is so here we are.  By the way this does not stretch to having that man's face on my blog so find right the contents with its ridiculous typo in the page numbers half way down.  These are not serious people.  This is not a professional party.  Oh god.  Here we go again ...


Not much detail here to be honest.

Global Emissions

Considering they want to scrap it, the phrase "net zero" appears twenty-eight times in the Reform manifesto.  There's even a page about it.  Well, half a page if you don't include the dreamy sunset over an oil rig.  This is policy dictated by the Daily Mail.  Unsurprisingly, "The party’s biggest donor last year was Terence Mordaunt, a previous Tory donor, businessman and former chair of the climate change sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation, whose companies have given £200,000 to Reform." [source: The Guardian].  Basically it's fuck the planet, give us your money.  Fucking grifters.

Solar energy in contrast is mentioned once:

They also talk about subsidies - scrapping subsidies for renewables and anything related to keeping the lights on without fossil fuels.




Also not mentioned.  In fact there is half a page about culture, but for some reason it's about leaving the WHO, replacing the 2010 Equalities act and a "Free Speech Bill" which seems to be about nothing of the sort:

We want free speech, but only if you agree with us.  They also want to make St George's and St David's Day public holidays (yeah, fuck you St Andrew) and launching an "anti-corruption unit for Westminster" which will "investigate past scandals".  OK.  

There is no beauty here.  

Gender Equality

You can probably guess.

Lesbian, gay, queer, non-binary, asexual or intersex people are not mentioned.  Probably notable:

"My name is Sam Tyler. I had an accident, and I woke up in 1973. Am I mad, in a coma, or back in time? Whatever's happened, it's like I've landed on a different planet. Now, maybe if I can work out the reason, I can get home."


Do you have to ask?

This doesn't take into account the people who work in numerous jobs and industries for whom it isn't convenient to get to a polling station.  

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