Just for me

Life I think I've recovered from the other night just enough to notice the onset of the a cold. I was sneezing so hard before, little glistening multicoloured speckles appeared on my monitor. Reader Sarah wants more details and I know others viceriously reliving their student years through the blog are desperate, and there will be more fun ahead, but really I want to keep the other night to myself at least for the time being. Think of it as Wil Wheaton's deer in that scene from Rob Reiner's Stand By Me; it was just for him so he didn't tell the whole world (at least until he'd grown up to be Richard Dreyfuss narrating the film). Although I will mention that I was singing Ben E King's title track to that film at some bar in the city at about 1:30 in the morning...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:48 pm

    Why all the mystery ? I'm curious to where you went being a student at manchseter uni myself ;)
