
TV Paul Cornell currently has rather a good essay about canonicity on his blog: "Not giving a toss about how it all fits together is one of Doctor Who’s oldest, proudest traditions, a strength of the series. (And a No Prize to the person who points out the first ever continuity error in the original series.) It’s allowed infinite change, and never left the show crunched into a corner after all the dramatic options had already been done. Terrible continuity equals infinitely flexible format. It’s undefinability that results in that old ‘indefinable magic’. Much in the same way that there’s no one definition of what a ‘Doctor Who companion’ is that includes all of them, and so a new one can be whatever works."

Personally I've decided that everything is canon. Yes, even Dimensions in Time and Death Comes To Time. They're all quirks of the process that time travel has on temporal continuity, dropping incidents in and out. They all happened, they're just been trodden on and shift in and out of history as it all tries to work itself out. Yes, even the Cushing movies. Why not?

Meanwhile, Scott has written a rather lovely review of our blog here. Hey, Scott!

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