Gmail Invites
Email I've currently got 6 Gmail invites available. You know the drill. But if you don't I just need a full name and email address ....
Links for 2004-10-08 []
Links for 2004-10-08 []
Travel writer Pete McCarthy dies
It's been a really sad day hasn't it? Chin, chin. Star Wars Episode 3 Teaser One Sheet?
Do you think I should start being disappointed now so that when the film comes around and I've seen all these cool things it won't be so bad? Film of the Day: Leaving Normal (1992)
It's 'Thelma and Louise' as if directed by Ed Zwick, co-creator of 'thirtysomething'. Which it actually is in fact. Phoenicians
"We know they dominated sea trade in the Mediterranean for 3,000 years. Now DNA testing and recent archaeological finds are revealing just what the Phoenician legacy meant to the ancient world—and to our own." 'The Trouble with Tribbles: Full Story of the Classic Star Trek Show' by David Gerrold
Brilliantly funny examination of the making of a single episode. Includes copy of the script.
It's been a really sad day hasn't it? Chin, chin.
Do you think I should start being disappointed now so that when the film comes around and I've seen all these cool things it won't be so bad?
It's 'Thelma and Louise' as if directed by Ed Zwick, co-creator of 'thirtysomething'. Which it actually is in fact.
"We know they dominated sea trade in the Mediterranean for 3,000 years. Now DNA testing and recent archaeological finds are revealing just what the Phoenician legacy meant to the ancient world—and to our own."
Brilliantly funny examination of the making of a single episode. Includes copy of the script.
Coffee mat

Coffee mat
Originally uploaded by feelinglistless.
It's my coffee mat, complete with rings. May need cleaning.
Coffee mat
Originally uploaded by feelinglistless.
It's my coffee mat, complete with rings. May need cleaning.
Life After much messing about with John Lewis, I've taken delivery of my new scanner. It's a Canon CanoScan 3200f and works like magic in selecting just the right thing on the glass that I want it to scan. Like my student ID which I found again the other day. I'd never realised my hair had got that long. Welcome to the early nineties.
Student ID Card 1993/94

Student ID Card 1993/94
Originally uploaded by feelinglistless.
Yes, it's me ten years ago when I started University. That hair wasn't fashionable in any decade.
Student ID Card 1993/94
Originally uploaded by feelinglistless.
Yes, it's me ten years ago when I started University. That hair wasn't fashionable in any decade.
Links for 2004-10-07 []
Links for 2004-10-07 []
Mitch Benn talks Doctor Who
I wish I'd known he was a fan when we were at school and the series was still actually on television Healthy Chef Alex
The official website of Alexandra Jamieson the girlfriend of Morgan Spurlock from 'Super Size Me' The trouble with mobile games
I have two games on my little Trium 110 and the ability to download none at all. But since of one them is Soko-Ban which I find simple and engrossing I'm happy. SokoBan
Lots of different online versions so you can see what I mean. 'Apple of My Eye' by Helene Hanff
The first place I heard about The Cloisters in New York. A New Yorker seeing the place as a tourist for the first time and discovering all kinds of places she never knew existed. The Cloisters, New York
A visitor page from The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Old British kids' show was incredibly suggestive
Wierdly, Boing Boing discovered the rude edition of 'Rainbow'. All together now ... 'One skin, two skins, three skins ...' Film of the Day: Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (1993)
One of my I-Chings. For example it's here I found out that the best way to learn about someone is to talk to them about something which you wouldn't think they'd know anything about. Star Trek: Enterprise gets epic
"We have three-episode arcs and four-episode arcs, and what I think is that it gives you the best of both worlds." Yes and hasn't Doctor Who used that structure for over forty years?
I wish I'd known he was a fan when we were at school and the series was still actually on television
The official website of Alexandra Jamieson the girlfriend of Morgan Spurlock from 'Super Size Me'
I have two games on my little Trium 110 and the ability to download none at all. But since of one them is Soko-Ban which I find simple and engrossing I'm happy.
Lots of different online versions so you can see what I mean.
The first place I heard about The Cloisters in New York. A New Yorker seeing the place as a tourist for the first time and discovering all kinds of places she never knew existed.
A visitor page from The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Wierdly, Boing Boing discovered the rude edition of 'Rainbow'. All together now ... 'One skin, two skins, three skins ...'
One of my I-Chings. For example it's here I found out that the best way to learn about someone is to talk to them about something which you wouldn't think they'd know anything about.
"We have three-episode arcs and four-episode arcs, and what I think is that it gives you the best of both worlds." Yes and hasn't Doctor Who used that structure for over forty years?
'A fillet o' fish for my vife ...'
Film Before I saw Super Size Me I tasted my first Cheeseburger Pastry from a Delicatessen. This was a hamburger topped with cheese and tomato relish in a puff pastry. It was absolutely gorgeous. On my way to the cinema I popped into a newsagent and bought a Cherry Coke and a Snickers Flapjack. As I ate each and every one of these delicacies I knew the overloaded sugar content I was taking in and how unhealthy it probably all was. But I understood that I could make up the lost ground with as light dinner and some fibre. Then I watched the movie and realized how much I was deluding myself. We humans haven't the first idea about when food is and isn't good for us.
As a polemic, it can't really be compared to Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11'. They are similar - in that its an American interviewing his people and other experts on the subject of a multi-national organization with the intention of revealing the rights and wrongs of what they're doing to the audience. But for me it's actually close to the kind of storymentary which Dave Gorman indulges in - the setting of a crazy challenge which couldn't be surely undertaken by anyone and filming the results. If this had just been a documentary about the evils of fast food told in a straight style it could have become quite tiring. But by introducing his central conceit of eating Macdonalds morning, noon and night for a calendar month, director Morgan Spurlong creates an element of tension that carries the viewer throughout.
I noticed on leaving the cinema that a poster in the lobby trumpeted that the film had won an award at a comedy festival. Which is unusual because it's not actually all that funny it a droll sense. When Spurlong pukes in a parking lot after eating his first Supersized Meal, our laughter feels like its coming from the same headspace as Mtv's Jackass played out over an extended period - a kind of nervous surprise because we can't believe he's doing it. As the doctors all tell him he's making a terrible mistake and he should give up or die, you begin to wonder if his life is worth risking for the good of the film - what exactly is he trying to prove and to whom? At which point it enters a different world of human tragedy, but about the desperation of the film maker. Who thought we'd witness that kind of bravery in the name of this project?
As a polemic, it can't really be compared to Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11'. They are similar - in that its an American interviewing his people and other experts on the subject of a multi-national organization with the intention of revealing the rights and wrongs of what they're doing to the audience. But for me it's actually close to the kind of storymentary which Dave Gorman indulges in - the setting of a crazy challenge which couldn't be surely undertaken by anyone and filming the results. If this had just been a documentary about the evils of fast food told in a straight style it could have become quite tiring. But by introducing his central conceit of eating Macdonalds morning, noon and night for a calendar month, director Morgan Spurlong creates an element of tension that carries the viewer throughout.
I noticed on leaving the cinema that a poster in the lobby trumpeted that the film had won an award at a comedy festival. Which is unusual because it's not actually all that funny it a droll sense. When Spurlong pukes in a parking lot after eating his first Supersized Meal, our laughter feels like its coming from the same headspace as Mtv's Jackass played out over an extended period - a kind of nervous surprise because we can't believe he's doing it. As the doctors all tell him he's making a terrible mistake and he should give up or die, you begin to wonder if his life is worth risking for the good of the film - what exactly is he trying to prove and to whom? At which point it enters a different world of human tragedy, but about the desperation of the film maker. Who thought we'd witness that kind of bravery in the name of this project?
Links for 2004-10-06 []
Links for 2004-10-06 []
Flickr: Photos from Andreika Emily Corrie Online
If only they'd found her more to do in NY-LON ... DVD release of 'As If' being held up by not being able to clear the rights to some of the music leading to edits. You'd think the record companies would realise your music + great drama = sales. Metafilter discusses the vice presidential debate.
"Edwards spent his time clarifying positions and clearly demarking their stance on several issues. Cheney spent most of his time defending the indefensible." Cast list for Star Wars: Episode III at Coming Soon
Perhaps. Spoilers abound. Claudia Karvan from 'The Secret Life of Us' is back playing Padme's sister (and will hopefully make the final cut this time) and wierdly Peter Jackson as a Senatorial Guard. What that one? Film of the Day: Hell Cab (1998)
It's 'Collatoral' meets '22 Short Films About Glen Gould' 'You Want, You'd Settle For, You Get' by Dr Kit Bryson & Jean-Luc Legris
I seem to have read a lot of out of print books Which (Middle) Class Are You?
My assessment is (very) wrong. I'm no Loft-Winger. Rachel Miner (Astrid in 'NY-LON') was married to Macaulay Culkin
Hitched in 1998, split in 2000. Wierd. political limbo dancing. european style.
Caro points out that we should be as interested in the horrific mess Europe is in, let alone what's happening in the US election
If only they'd found her more to do in NY-LON ... DVD release of 'As If' being held up by not being able to clear the rights to some of the music leading to edits. You'd think the record companies would realise your music + great drama = sales.
"Edwards spent his time clarifying positions and clearly demarking their stance on several issues. Cheney spent most of his time defending the indefensible."
Perhaps. Spoilers abound. Claudia Karvan from 'The Secret Life of Us' is back playing Padme's sister (and will hopefully make the final cut this time) and wierdly Peter Jackson as a Senatorial Guard. What that one?
It's 'Collatoral' meets '22 Short Films About Glen Gould'
I seem to have read a lot of out of print books
My assessment is (very) wrong. I'm no Loft-Winger.
Hitched in 1998, split in 2000. Wierd.
Caro points out that we should be as interested in the horrific mess Europe is in, let alone what's happening in the US election
'Would you fly all the way to New York, to see me?'
TV There was always a nagging feeling when watching NY-LON that something was missing - like everything was so close but not quite amazing. Something kept me coming back for the seven episodes. Partly it was because every now and then something really interesting would happen - a performance, storyline or dialogue exchange which would sizzle which would lead to the other reason, that at some point everything would finally gel together and I'd fall in love. But eventually, finally, it didn't really happen. On the positive side the acting was uniformally superb and the show looked very picturesque. But the same problems kept re-occuring throughout and I want to discuss them here from script perspective.
The overall concept was perfectly fine and interesting. The subject of long distance relationships hasn't really been covered in great depth on screen and this could have offered hundreds of story ideas as the couple dealt with having a relationship in separate time zones, in different countries. Just the logistics of getting flights there and back and how much they cost for example. But in the end these elements only really came into play in the final episode and they weren't really inhibitors. For much of the series the actual premise felt like a mcguffin - a way to separate the lovers at key moments. To be honest one of them could have been on day release from prison and it would have made as much difference.
Equally it needed to be about the main characters. To care you need to give those characters time to breath. But in scene after scene, week after week, some plot or secondary character got in the way. To the extent that the only time we ever saw the couple talking was either in arguing about something or after sex. The audience needs to spend time with them in order to invest loyalty and sense of caring about the relationship. For that you need to see the couple together just talking - that's what Nora Ephron and Richard Curtis and since the programme makers were effectively splicing the genes of those writers it's a pity they didn't follow their working formula. We needed to see Michael and Edie showing each other around London and New York or sharing a plane for the odd episode. You need to see the relationship when it works - that way we care when it doesn't. The shorthand here of a minimal montage followed by a cutaway to a landmark just wasn't enough. The first episode was the best episode. Why? All the talking.
And why have so many secondary characters? On both sides of the Atlantic there were enough bodies running around having feelings for two different shows. Which might have been the idea. The problem was that having created these characters they were to some extent more interesting than the mains but equally not given enough to do to compensate. You've serious problems when the viewer wants to know what's happening in the supporting character's life when the main character's relationship is falling apart. This is not the kind of premise designed for an ensemble cast but that's exactly what they tried to so.
A decent comparison is the first series of Alias. In there, Sydney Bristow has a double life - she's a spy and a college girl - and so she interacts with two sets of characters which seldom interact with each other. But in each side of the story there only enough for the needs of the plot and we only know enough about them so that if anything happens to them we care about how that effects our hero. The problem here was we had about a dozen characters and the writers felt the need to service them all to some degree, which meant that in the end we wanted to know more about them. To a certain extent we cared more about Astrid dealing with the suicide and loving Edie's boyfriend and the breakdown and rekindling of Raph's life than what was happening in the 'A' plot and that the show flew when the programme maker's decided to concentrate on what they were doing hurt the central premise. It's important to see the reaction of friends and family to this batty relationship but not to this degree.
But I think the ultimate down note was the tone. For some reason the programme makers decided to temper the fairy tale with tragedy. Which is fine - it grounds the show in reality and the premise possibly needs that. But you let love blossom before throwing a curve - you don't have you a main character return to the city to find her flatmate has committed suicide. That's the kind of thing which can hang over a series. It never really recovered. Temper this with the multiple relationship break-ups and job losses and its like Notting Hill directed by Ken Loach. A nice little funny premise drowned out through all the crying.
So inevitably everything ran out of steam in the final episode. Mike proposing to Edie might have been the desperate act of someone trying to solidify a relationship but it also felt like an act of desperation from script writers looking for something else to do. Which is odd considering the amount of material which had been left untapped. I have a feeling they're keeping something back for a second series. Which is a brave assumptive move - if you're any good you throw everything into your first shot at it and then inspiration will come if they grant you a second chance. It's only now the supporting characters were being underwritten and in this case were literally standing around watching -- which is really annoying because I wanted to know how Lauren felt about Raph leaving. As the episode drew to a close and we'd 'enjoyed' yet another row between Edie and Michael we were treated to another in the seemingly interminable endless shots of them walking around their respective cities alone leading into a down ending and sort of cliffhanger.
And a confession. I don't think the show should end there. I want it to continue. Because the ideas are all in there. Because as I said at the start of this, now and then something really interesting would happen - a performance, storyline or dialogue exchange which would sizzle. I want to see the secondary characters from each side of the pond interacting more as well. Who would much rather be seeing Lauren and Astrid on the town together or Raph and Luke trying to comprehend each other. Now that would be somewhere to go...
The overall concept was perfectly fine and interesting. The subject of long distance relationships hasn't really been covered in great depth on screen and this could have offered hundreds of story ideas as the couple dealt with having a relationship in separate time zones, in different countries. Just the logistics of getting flights there and back and how much they cost for example. But in the end these elements only really came into play in the final episode and they weren't really inhibitors. For much of the series the actual premise felt like a mcguffin - a way to separate the lovers at key moments. To be honest one of them could have been on day release from prison and it would have made as much difference.
Equally it needed to be about the main characters. To care you need to give those characters time to breath. But in scene after scene, week after week, some plot or secondary character got in the way. To the extent that the only time we ever saw the couple talking was either in arguing about something or after sex. The audience needs to spend time with them in order to invest loyalty and sense of caring about the relationship. For that you need to see the couple together just talking - that's what Nora Ephron and Richard Curtis and since the programme makers were effectively splicing the genes of those writers it's a pity they didn't follow their working formula. We needed to see Michael and Edie showing each other around London and New York or sharing a plane for the odd episode. You need to see the relationship when it works - that way we care when it doesn't. The shorthand here of a minimal montage followed by a cutaway to a landmark just wasn't enough. The first episode was the best episode. Why? All the talking.
And why have so many secondary characters? On both sides of the Atlantic there were enough bodies running around having feelings for two different shows. Which might have been the idea. The problem was that having created these characters they were to some extent more interesting than the mains but equally not given enough to do to compensate. You've serious problems when the viewer wants to know what's happening in the supporting character's life when the main character's relationship is falling apart. This is not the kind of premise designed for an ensemble cast but that's exactly what they tried to so.
A decent comparison is the first series of Alias. In there, Sydney Bristow has a double life - she's a spy and a college girl - and so she interacts with two sets of characters which seldom interact with each other. But in each side of the story there only enough for the needs of the plot and we only know enough about them so that if anything happens to them we care about how that effects our hero. The problem here was we had about a dozen characters and the writers felt the need to service them all to some degree, which meant that in the end we wanted to know more about them. To a certain extent we cared more about Astrid dealing with the suicide and loving Edie's boyfriend and the breakdown and rekindling of Raph's life than what was happening in the 'A' plot and that the show flew when the programme maker's decided to concentrate on what they were doing hurt the central premise. It's important to see the reaction of friends and family to this batty relationship but not to this degree.
But I think the ultimate down note was the tone. For some reason the programme makers decided to temper the fairy tale with tragedy. Which is fine - it grounds the show in reality and the premise possibly needs that. But you let love blossom before throwing a curve - you don't have you a main character return to the city to find her flatmate has committed suicide. That's the kind of thing which can hang over a series. It never really recovered. Temper this with the multiple relationship break-ups and job losses and its like Notting Hill directed by Ken Loach. A nice little funny premise drowned out through all the crying.
So inevitably everything ran out of steam in the final episode. Mike proposing to Edie might have been the desperate act of someone trying to solidify a relationship but it also felt like an act of desperation from script writers looking for something else to do. Which is odd considering the amount of material which had been left untapped. I have a feeling they're keeping something back for a second series. Which is a brave assumptive move - if you're any good you throw everything into your first shot at it and then inspiration will come if they grant you a second chance. It's only now the supporting characters were being underwritten and in this case were literally standing around watching -- which is really annoying because I wanted to know how Lauren felt about Raph leaving. As the episode drew to a close and we'd 'enjoyed' yet another row between Edie and Michael we were treated to another in the seemingly interminable endless shots of them walking around their respective cities alone leading into a down ending and sort of cliffhanger.
And a confession. I don't think the show should end there. I want it to continue. Because the ideas are all in there. Because as I said at the start of this, now and then something really interesting would happen - a performance, storyline or dialogue exchange which would sizzle. I want to see the secondary characters from each side of the pond interacting more as well. Who would much rather be seeing Lauren and Astrid on the town together or Raph and Luke trying to comprehend each other. Now that would be somewhere to go...
Links for 2004-10-05 []
Links for 2004-10-05 []
Six Objections to the Westphall Hypothesis
And the objections to the objections. The Gift Registry Game off
Videogame retailer 'Game' has loss warning, blaming no new console or major game launches. Actually they need to look at the stores themselves for many of the reasons mentioned in the linked article. Film of the Day: The Governess (1998)
Watch Minnie Driver help Tom Wilkinson to (a) discover photography and then go on to (b) discover erotic photography. Only 81 shopping days to go...
Is that a hint or are you just trying to make me feel bad (I've usually started by now). 'Animal Stories' by Simon Goodenough
Worth posting for the name. It's retellings of classic stories and fables about animals for children. A night spent stuck in the Britney zone
"How awful is the Britney Spears mini-suite? My wife made two comments immediately after she walked through the door. (1) "This is tiny!" then (2) "This is disgusting." Is 225 square feet tiny? Well, for $349, it feels a little small. And "disgusting" may Bloglines Show Only Updated Feeds
Wierdly earthshattering twist as Bloglines allow the filtering out of feeds without new content. Make the display much less daunting at the end of a day and easier to read. Next?
See you Ev. Thanks. "Just So Stories" by Rudyard Kipling
The stories including Kipling's own illustrations Discover Kate Winslet
Extraordinarily up to date news site WHEDONesque reaches 5000 post and it's about Star Wars
A good omen?
And the objections to the objections.
Videogame retailer 'Game' has loss warning, blaming no new console or major game launches. Actually they need to look at the stores themselves for many of the reasons mentioned in the linked article.
Watch Minnie Driver help Tom Wilkinson to (a) discover photography and then go on to (b) discover erotic photography.
Is that a hint or are you just trying to make me feel bad (I've usually started by now).
Worth posting for the name. It's retellings of classic stories and fables about animals for children.
"How awful is the Britney Spears mini-suite? My wife made two comments immediately after she walked through the door. (1) "This is tiny!" then (2) "This is disgusting." Is 225 square feet tiny? Well, for $349, it feels a little small. And "disgusting" may
Wierdly earthshattering twist as Bloglines allow the filtering out of feeds without new content. Make the display much less daunting at the end of a day and easier to read.
See you Ev. Thanks.
The stories including Kipling's own illustrations
Extraordinarily up to date news site
A good omen?
'In the midnight hour ...'
Life At the midnight hour, when does one day start and the next begin? I don't know what time this'll be date stamped to, but as I write it's eight minutes to midnight. In seven minutes I'll be entering the sixth of October. Once every year I can track these things -- when I stay up through the night for The Oscars -- each time I wonder at what time I'm moving from the night before to the next morning. Is it daybreak -- and if that's the case, how come if some nutter accidentally rings at 2am I'll scream at them for 'waking me up at two in the morning' when by that same token of confusion it's still also in the middle of the night? So in four minutes, can I say that Wednesday morning, because for some people, who are in bars or dancing, it's still Tuesday night. Two minutes. One minute. I've been thinking. It must be some kind of perception of time. It just depends what you're doing and who you're doing it with. Midnight. It feels like tomorrow morning. So I'll leave it at that.
Links for 2004-10-04 []
I'm not sure this would work in the UK just yet -- the most we'd get is 'What is a weblog?' I'm amazed at how detailed the questions are...
"A list of a few of the words Shakespeare coined, hyperlinked to the play and scene from which it comes."
Barbara Ellen captures the alienation of office life.
The once excellent John Woo is now signed on to direct a new 'Masters of the Universe' film. (a) What was he thinking (b) What was he thinking (c) It's got to be better than M:I 2
Why does this article feel like a recipe for turning into a slightly creepy man who grins and stares at people?
'The Incicle Thief' is 'The Purple Rose of Ciaro' for neo-realist Italian Cinema. And funnier than that sounds.
Does the use of the Apple logo on ipods violate Apple Music's copyright? Sometimes I bet Steve Jobs wished he'd called the company something else.
'A spokesperson said only a small part of the population illegally copy CDs.' So who's actually got the message here?
Tinka blogs about who makes her pupils dilate. I would have to say Eustacia Vye from Thomas Hardy's 'Return of the Native'. Catherine Zeta Jones in that godawful TVM was hardly the embodiment.
There is a rock band?
The full text at Project Gutenberg if you're interested.
"Less than half the general electorate has registered, including only 700,000 out of 12 million women. At this writing, it is impossible to know how many women will run for office — or even dare vote."
Now it gets really interesting
Sound files for shutting down and stuff like that
Because everyone should have a fan site
Links for 2004-10-03 []
Links for 2004-10-03 []
Homicide: Life on the Street Crossovers & A Multiverse Explored
An amazing piece of tv research -- did you know it all happened in the mind of Tommy Westphall, the autistic child in 'St. Elsewhere'?
Books I've Read: 'Michel's Mixed-up Musical Bird' by Michel Legrand and George Mendoza's Crossovers Spin Offs Master Page
Someone linked this when I posted the similar link to Metafilter. Yep, Knight Rider is part of the Star Trek Universe -- can't wait for them to rewrite the chronology again.
Film of the Day: American Wedding (2003)
Cleverly focuses on the stories of a few characters rather than trying to give everyone something to do as happened in 'American Pie 2'. But no more please...
Them: Julie Delpy
Excellent news page -- I wish I'd been reading this in the run up to 'Before Sunset'
An amazing piece of tv research -- did you know it all happened in the mind of Tommy Westphall, the autistic child in 'St. Elsewhere'?
Someone linked this when I posted the similar link to Metafilter. Yep, Knight Rider is part of the Star Trek Universe -- can't wait for them to rewrite the chronology again.
Cleverly focuses on the stories of a few characters rather than trying to give everyone something to do as happened in 'American Pie 2'. But no more please...
Excellent news page -- I wish I'd been reading this in the run up to 'Before Sunset'
Links for 2004-10-02 []
Links for 2004-10-02 []
We Didn't Start the Fire
The History Behind Billy Joel's Song All of Jim Shelley's tapehead columns in chronological order All the Books I've Read: 'How the World Was Won for Mice' by Pamela Dalton
A new feature for the link blog. I'm sorry to see this one is out of print because it's really funny in places, even if the title sort of tells you what happens. Film of the Day: Last Resort (2000)
Where life's a beach, literally. It's actually darkly funny, but if it doesn't turn you off going to the seaside, nothing will. Alexandrine Tinn @ Wikipedia
Busy life.
The History Behind Billy Joel's Song
A new feature for the link blog. I'm sorry to see this one is out of print because it's really funny in places, even if the title sort of tells you what happens.
Where life's a beach, literally. It's actually darkly funny, but if it doesn't turn you off going to the seaside, nothing will.
Busy life.
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