Le Grand spectacle
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For some reason this makes up for Doctor Who not being on tv this week. Six(ish) months 'til Christmas
"Interestingly enough, he even comes to the conclusion that Return of the Jedi could be referring to Anakin/Darth, rather than Luke Skywalker, like the rest of us thought. Interesting idea."I always thought that even before the new trilogy was released. I understood that the closing moments were about Anakin's Jedi tendencies re-asserting themselves over the Sith as well as the return of the Jedi as an order via Luke. Funny.
"This is Jong at her best and worst, alternately flailing wildly and landing squarely on the mark. "It's hard to be a novelist in the age of soap opera", she observes, commenting on American President Clinton's sexual peccadilloes. "The slow accretion of 500 well-wrought words a day seems pointless beside the dizzying and breathless plot lines served up by the evening news." The delicious irony of the book's title is no accident; it's a question Sigmund Freud asked and never satisfactorily answered. Neither does Jong but her cultural commentary has flashes of brilliance and the nerve necessary to cut to the head of the line."Taking that as a multiple choice or not, would women be content with one of those things or a mixture of the four. Where are your priorities?
"Here is the news: I'm going to be in Doctor Who. Seriously. (Would I joke about such an honour?) Alright, I'm going to be in an audio episode, but it still counts! This is the ongoing branch of Who that, along with the novels, talking books and animated webcasts, kept the franchise alive during the 16 years it was off the telly. It may have been a revelation to part-time armchair fans that the Doctor's been back in the fleeting form of Christopher Eccleston these past 13 weeks, but to the dedicated "Whovian" (or whatever they prefer to be called), he never went away."It's only a few paragraphs but the I love the way he namedrops the main Who fan website Outpost Gallifrey without explaining what it is as though anyone reading is supposed to know anyway. For the uninitiated three fun facts on how the new series relates to Big Finish:
When they secured the participation of Paul McGann to play the Eighth Doctor they were rolling his stories out in annual seasons. Paul Cornell, Mark Gatiss and Robert Shearman all wrote classic stories for the pearless second season. They've all written an episode for the new tv series.BF have had their license renewed into 2007 so there will still be plenty of new Who about while the show is off air. Now if only they could talk Tom Baker into recording a few ...
Shearman also wrote a Colin Baker adventure for them called Jubilee. This formed the basis for the Dalek episode in the new tv series.
All of the Daleks in the new tv series were voiced by Nicholas Briggs. Briggs also voiced all the Daleks for Big Finish and has written and directed the Dalek Empire series for them, which features new Doctor David Tennant in a starring role.
"But then, whatever you've thought about the Star Wars movies, the music has always been great, hasn't it? The stirring main theme, with its famous melody and impossibly syncopated low brass giving way to the stirring contrasting theme in the strings; Vader's evil-dripping Imperial March that was always 20% too jaunty to be entirely hateful; the high woodwinds curling their way around various space ballets. There is a decent argument that the moving pictures -- some of them, at least -- were little more than visual accompaniment to the music, which rarely stops during the entire lengths of the movies. Indeed, while the six Star Wars movies have had different directors, different writers, different stars and editors and cinematographers, there has been one constant: John Williams as composer, creating a melodic world in which two or three generations of Americans have chosen to eat a whole mess of popcorn."Watching Close Encounters on dvd for the first time the other day cemented the feeling that Williams is one of our great living composers classical or otherwise. Anyone who just dismisses this body of work because it accompanies films is just being silly.
"This is not easy to write - as you will readily understand. But here goes - congratulations to all involved in Doctor Who: to whoever commissioned it, those who executed it, the writers, the cast, the publicity folk that promoted it, the schedulers and of course the late Sydney Newman who invented the whole thing," he wrote.Scary that he should namecheck old Sydney -- does he even get a 'created by' credit anywhere on the show?
"This is not easy to write - as you will readily understand. But here goes - congratulations to all involved in Doctor Who: to whoever commissioned it, those who executed it, the writers, the cast, the publicity folk that promoted it, the schedulers and of course the late Sydney Newman who invented the whole thing," he wrote.Scary that he should namecheck old Sydney -- does he even get a 'created by' credit anywhere on the show?