TV In a break from tradition, the BBC have bothered to release the San Diego Comic Con trailer for the next bit of Doctor Who without us outside the hall having to moan about it first. Oh and my, scenes, scenes.
(1) Bill's back -- so as expected we'll get to see her getting a proper send off from him. Also hugging. Proper hugging. Capaldi's a hugger finally.
(2) Moffat's using his final lap to reshoot scenes from The Tenth Planet pt 4. Including the regeneration because why not. Expect conspiracy theories that it'll include footage from the actual episode as way of revealing that it's been found.
(3) Who's playing Polly here?
It's difficult to tell from this poorly lit screenshot but it could well be Ellie Spicer, who portrayed the actress playing Polly in An Adventure in Space and Time. Here she is in another poor screenshot I just took from the screen while watching the blu-ray ten minutes ago:
Different jumper. Judging by this shot from The Tenth Planet:

The one from Adventures is more accurate.
(4) I bet Mark Gatiss is playing an ancestor of the Brigadier.
(5) Anyway it looks like a big old celebration of the Moffat era including his anniversary successes. It would be astonishing if there weren't more cameos despite what he says about not wanting to have a victory lap. This is not some ordinary story which happens to have a regeneration at the end. Like The War Games, Logopolis, Survival and The End of Time, it's the end of an epoch.