Life Hello. For the past couple of days I've had a tummy bug and spent most of my time in bed, which is nice for the bed since I've now realised how much it needs a new mattress, but not necessarily for me, since I've got to find the money to pay for it. Since I've not posted for a couple of days, I hope the following will more than make up for it.
This is the as promised, far later than it should be, 25 more things you don't know about me or whatever this meme is called these days. I know, if you look at it from a certain direction it does look more like 22 1/2 but I was picking teeth by the end and didn't see the point in adding yet another film reference (23. Still haven't seen Godfather Part II etc).
1. I was very choosy about food at the age of eight. I wouldn’t eat anything that wasn’t cooked at home, apart from a Wimpy burger.
2. I often can’t tell my left from right.
3. Which makes me a nightmare when it comes to give directions. I’m reduced to gesturing which isn’t much use if you’re sitting on the back seat. I once put my … right hand out and blocked the view of the driver. I don’t think she’s ever forgiven me for the shock.
4. I know all the words to the opening speech of Never Never by the All Saints.
5. One of my favourite postcards is a painting of a pig making a counter-clockwise orbit around the Earth. It reminds me that all things are possible.
6. Whenever I’m ill these days and I know I’ll be banjaxed for days and spending a lot of time in my bunk, I watch Joss Whedon’s Firefly.
7. I have very hairy arms.
8. I tried shaving them once. That could be why.
9. I also tried shaving far too young. I still have the scar on my upper lips where the disposable razor dug in.
10. I once won three singles from a Radio Merseyside quiz with Linda McDermott. They were supposed to be chart hits, but one of them was Max Bygraves’s Sing-Along-A-War-Years.
11. When I was at school, I was convinced that evolution was the method God used to create all of the life on Earth. Note, when I was at school.
12. The best quote I’ve heard lately is from the film director Lindsay Anderson. Ages before he died, he was asked what he’d like written on his tombstone. He said: “Persistently surrounded by fuck-wits.”
13. I worked out the twist in The Sixth Sense from the trailer.
14. Whilst we’re on the subject, isn’t M. Night Shyamalan’s best film The Village?
15. There is a video somewhere of me at a Royal Bank of Scotland corporate training day line-dancing to Kylie’s ‘Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’
16. When I was a teenager, I used to kiss a poster of Kylie every night before I went to sleep.
17. All things considered, I can be surprisingly bendy.
18. In the late nineties, I had a Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy t-shirt made. The back read: “Life. Don’t talk to me about life.” It promptly got lost and it wasn’t until years later I realised I left it in the room I was staying at Oxford University one weekend.
19. I was at the University for an Archaeology conference.
20. I’ve just realised I’ve never posted this story on the blog. Rubs hands together.
21. I have a poster of the Glove Theatre the wall above my computer – it’s the free item which was given away with The Independent a couple of years ago.
22. That might have been the last time I bought The Independent.
23. It’s naughties rather than noughties.
24. I can be quite boring sometimes. You know that moment in FRIENDS when Ross is flirting and starts talking about the smell they put into gas? I know that can be sometimes and I just don’t know when to shut up.
25. My favourite not in the real world word is Twunk. It can be a surprisingly effective swear-alternative.