
TV "At the end of round two the banker offered £12k, and Candice turned it down as if it was pocket money. Candice was not about to reveal who she really was during this show, she is a performer and this may have been her finest hour. She brought photos indicating an affluent lifestyle, and she showed no emotion throughout. At the end of round three she was offerd £21k, against 4 blues and 7 reds including £75k, £100k and £250k - in fact the only amounts greater than the banker's offer. Again, seemingly without any real thought, she reject the offer and carried on. Round four started with a blue, then the lowest blue (1p) and after the break a £1000 - leaving the top three reds amongst a board of 6 reds - stating that she believed she was due to win the 'quarter of a million', and that it was 'only a game'." -- Yes, folks, it's a Deal or No Deal blog for the UK show...

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