
Life Trauma over. The filling has been replaced. I left the dentist about twenty minutes ago and things have changed somewhat in ten years. My heart pounded all of the way through, from entering the waiting room, filling in the registration form to sitting in the chair. But the staff were polite and matter of fact, especially the dentist who talked me through everything he was going to do as though it's perfectly common place for another man to put his hands in your mouth and drill some of it away. It's reasonably disconcerting to be negotiating the price of the check up and filling during the procedure though.
"I'd like to use a white filling which is a white enamel and has better adhesive."
"Although it is slightly more expensive than the silvery national health material."
"£6.60 for the other. £25 for the white enamel."
"Right. I'd like a green, nurse."
So my mouth will be numb for at least another hour, but even that was more local than last time, when I couldn't even close my lips. This just feels uncomfortably like I've been hit in the jaw which means I can pretend that I was in a fist fight this morning. Suddenly I feel really hungry.


NiceGuySean said...

I used to be terrified of the dentist, especially as a childhood dose of tetracycline left me with teeth not very white.

So when my dentist here in Italy first tried to give mea filling without any anaesthetic, I thought he was mad.

He reasoned that he should only be drilling out the decayed part, not the healthy tooth, and wanted me to come back. I've been seeing him for 12 years now, and never have injections for fillings. No more numb mouth!

Anonymous said...

you know... no experience with the laughing gas ever was as good as the first time. i keep going back hoping i'll be floating on the ceiling again. legal drugs, very nice.

so did you get a chance to watch "After Life"? just curious to know what you thought of it...

Anonymous said...
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Stuart Ian Burns said...

Turns out there are two films called afterlife. If you mean the one about helping people into the afterlife I haven't yet. The VHS copy which I borrowed from the Uni library had an terrible transfer with a lot of static on the sound mix, too distracting to watch. Sorry, but it's on my list, ready and waiting.