Location: Liverpool.
Earliest Dr Who memory: I have a very vivid memory of Leela with knife in hand picking her way through a corridor -- but I've never been able to put my finger on which story it's from.
Favourite Doctor Who TV Story of all-time: An Unearthly Child. It's all gone downhill since then.
And on the opposite end of the spectrum: Isn't the Pertwee story The Mutants tedious? Also The Web Planet
Favourite Doctor: I should say Tom, but everyone says Tom, so Paul McGann (Hah!)
Favourite Companion: Charlie Pollard. It's the whole Victorian adventuress thing. But if I absolutely have to pick a tv companion, Polly.
Favourite Doctor Who Novel: Alien Bodies (although I do like The Witch Hunters)
Favourite Doctor Who Audio: Neverland
Favourite Doctor Who Website: Outpost Gallifrey (since to pick this one would be pointless)
Favourite non-Who Website: Bloglines
Favourite Film: You can't ask someone doing a film course that question because whichever peace of celluloid history they pick will be wrong. But hey, what the hell, Three Colours Red
Favourite TV Show: Y'know I've been watching random episodes of Buffy lately and it's amazing how well they stand up even after a few years. But My So-Called Life, Friends, The West Wing, the usual scaboo.
I enjoy listening to: (glances at cd collection) female singer songwriters most of which no one's even heard of, movie soundtracks, world music, classical (particularly Bach and Mozart)
I enjoy reading: Generally film books. Funny that.
Other sci-fi I enjoy: I was a Star Trek fan for years although since Enterprise finished I haven't doubled dipped. Alias, Lost, Firefly, Buffy, Angel (I see a pattern). Why no question about comic books? Not that read many. Only Astonishing X-Men.
Things that irritate me the most: The conversational self-centred and perpetual non-ringers.
Favourite joke: Not a joke really but something I read in a Carl Jung book yesterday. "A mother took a photograph of her small son in the Black Forest. She left the film to be developed in Strasbourg. But, owing to the outbreak of way, she was unable to fetch it and gave it up for lost. In 1916 she bought a film in Frankfort in order to take a photograph of her daughter, who had been born in the meantime. When the film was developed it was found to be doubly exposed: the picture underneath was the photograph she had taken of her son in 1914!" All true.
Guilty Pleasures: Property development tv shows and two year old pop music.
Reasons for Blogging: Here or elsewhere? Here because it seems like the thing to do to celebrate the fact that the series is back on television and I'm grateful even if some elements grate.
Link to my other blog: feeling listless: http://feelinglistless.blogspot.com/
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