8 things you may not know about me
(1) I haven't seen any of the Rocky films. Or Rambos.
(2) I'm deformed. My little finger on my left hand is about twenty percent too small.
(3) I really fancy this woman:

She's Ruth Gibson and she does the answer machine message for Orange, and has one of the sexiest voices I've ever head. Seriously, you would have thought adding credit to your mobile phone account could be that pleasurable? The picture is from her appearance on The Culture Show on BBC2 during which she told a very funny story about trying to convince a pensioner that she didn't take all of those phone calls. Perfect.
(4) I'm really crap with Excel. I've done courses but the most I can get it to do is add up and not very successfully.
(5) Only one song released in the past five years is guaranteed to make me burst into tears and that's The JCB Song by Nizpoli. I'll be writing some more about that at some point I expect.
(6) I hate people who fidget with their hands. I sat next to a man in a suit on the bus today who spent the whole journey making a fist relaxing his fingers then making a fist again. It's very difficult to concentrate on anything with that happening in the corner of your eye. I expect he was practicing.
(7) The first book I read from cover to cover was Robert A. Heinlein's Have Spacesuit Will Travel
(8) When I was at primary school I'd sit making daisy chains with the girls rather than playing football with the boys. Give me a child until he is seven etc.
Hmm.. I've never read that Heinlein book. Would you recommend it? I've read "The Moon is a harsh Mistress", which I wasn't all too crazy about; never got very far into "Time enough for love" and loved "Stranger in a Strange land" until page 400 or so when the orgies (spiritual and physical) got a bit to far-fetched in my view.
Funny thing is, one of my good friends and mentors was actually heavily involved with the Church of all Worlds, the neopagan organisation modelled on the religious society founded by the main characters in the book, in its early days.
Unfortunately I didn't find out about Alison's involvement until after her death, when I happened to google her name for obituaries and memorial words. If I'd known earlier I'd asked her about it of course...
It was so long ago I don't really remember much about it -- other than the scene in which the kid puts on the spacesuit for the first time and its far too big for him.
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