Travel Annette underscores beautifully how, for all my ambitions about wanting to visit New York, I'm afraid my illusions will be shattered:
"In many ways the city was less glamorous than I expected. Take the subways, first of all. I thought the stations all smelled like a public restroom. I kept asking my sister why the city didn't clean them or upgrade them, spray them with Clorox occasionally, at least. She shrugged. "Well, they're always open, so I guess they really don't have time for that." Makes sense, but still, in a city with so much money, why can't they come up with some kind of solution? At the same time, street performers perform astoundly professional live music at the subway stations (yes, jazz, but one day I even heard some opera down there). It's strange."
I would like to think that despite my city mentality I'd also still be surprised by how fast people are walking.

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