I'm jiggered after writing some of this year's compact Review 2008, wrapping my christmas presents and watching and loving the surprisingly poignant Never Been Kissed (even if the title strikes a little bit too close to home), so I hope you'll forgive me if I just offer you the following headlines.
Danny Wallace says he can't tell when he's standing on a movie set.
Twitter is nearly five years old.
King Kong to be broadcast with alternative soundtrack on the BBC.
David Tennant gives away plot of Christmas Doctor Who during radio interview (I knew it!).
Sarah Palin thinks she should have 'been aloud' to do more interviews during the presidential campaign. Satirists agree..
Girls Aloud perform very live on GMtv and gain a little respect from me for ploughing on through even as everything goes horribly wrong, then joking about the horror afterwards.
Fake Alison Graham is confused.
Luis Guzmán likes to strip himself of everything and go for it.
Naomi Watts prefers Tampax.
Liverpool has new city centre bus network.
Merseyside Maratime Museum has photos of the opening of the Queensway Tunnel in 1934.
Lily Allen's cover of Womanizer is better than the Britney Spears original.
Man fails in bizarre attempt to discover who visited BBC TV Centre between the hours of 8:30 am and 10:30am on 26 January 2006.
VHS is dead.
Liverpool's La Machine features in The Big Picture blog's round-up of the year.
Dr. Ian Malcolm thinks you should get a life.
I'm Walking Backwards for Christmas, across the Irish sea.
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