aren't we all

Blog! One time Heardsaid contributor (aren't we all) and friend of the blog Tom Reynolds has quit his job as an ambulance man and will now be blogging under his real name Brian Kellett:
"As for this blog... well... I'm unsure of what form it's going to take in the future. WIll I be still writing about ambulance stuff? Will I be documenting my journey into urgent care? Will I just natter about whatever interests me at that moment in time? I'm not quite sure. Certainly I'm not going to stop writing and in fact, later today, I'm heading into town to have drinks and a chat with a friend about something we are planning together.

So I'll keep blogging, but I'll no longer be the 'ambulance blogger', I'll be 'that annoyingly nerdy blogger', which I think puts me in good company."
Good luck, Brian.

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