Sylvester McCoy goes a bit rogue

TV Sylvester McCoy has talked to the Shadowlocked blog on the occasion of The Hobbit's principle photography and the release of unofficial Doctor Who spin-off Minister of Chance and goes a bit rogue, revealing a few secrets which I'm not sure were in the public domain about up and coming Who projects:
"Ian Levine's putting together a piece of work that didn't get completed over the years, and I was there as The Doctor to kind of 'Doctor Who' them up. There are pieces that have been done too for The Brigadier and The Master that were never quite completed, so that work will make them a rounded whole. Also there's the 30th anniversary show of Doctor Who that was never made, and we're going to do a cartoon version of that. I was doing my role in that as well.

...there were a couple of projects that we were doing. One was actually filming to beef up a piece that's already been done, and the other was recording voices with camera so they can do a lip-sync for the cartoon.


There are a few...Downtime - that's one that's got a lot of dialogue. The [inaudible] Vortex - much shorter. Search Out Space; and Destiny Of The Doctors...also some audio lines for Dark Dimension.
Wait, what? They're creating an animated version of The Dark Dimension, the anniversary show that was curtailed because of the TV Movie? They're re-releasing some new version of Downtime with added Who?  More's the point Sylv is playing the Doctor on screen (rather than audio) for the first time since 1996? [via]

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