TV No, it was one of the Shabogans apparently. I've seen a few people on social media wondering who all of the people who were in the Doctor's memory blipvert in The Timeless Children so as a public service, here they all are.
It begins with an episode guide to the Thirteenth Doctor era, about one shot per episode.
The Master
(The Timeless Children)
(The Timeless Children)
The Cyberium
(The Haunting of Villa Diodati)
The Fam.
(The Haunting of Villa Diodati)
(Can You Hear Me?)
(Fugitive of the Judoon)
The Doctor
(Fugitive of the Judoon)
Captain Jack Harkness
(Fugitive of the Judoon)
The Fam again
Nikola Tesla
(Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror)
Queen of the Skithra
(Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror)
A Dreg
(Orphan 55)
A lit cloud. |
A Dalek
The Doctor and a Dalek
The Doctor
(The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos)
(It Takes You Away)
The Doctor, Yaz and Graham
(It Takes You Away)
A Morax
(The Witchfinders)
The Doctor
(The Witchfinders)
The Marriage of Umbreen and Prem
(Demons of the Punjab)
A Kerblam! Robot
A Pting
(The Tsuranga Conundrum)
The Doctor
(Arachnids in the UK)
The Doctor
The Doctor and the TARDIS
(The Ghost Monument)
The Doctor
(The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
Tim Shaw
(The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
The Doctor
(The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
Then we head off into some floating heads.
Davros and Rose Tyler
(Journey's End and The Stolen Earth)
The Sycorax Captain and Donna Noble
(The Christmas Invasion and Turn Left)
A Slitheen and Amy Pond |
Victor Kennedy and River Song |
A Scarecrow and Wilf |
A Scarecrow and Clara Oswald
A Sontaran and Bill Potts |
An Ood and Martha Jones |
Empress of the Racnoss and Psi (or Adam Mitchell?) |
Empress of the Racnoss and Rory Williams |
Sister Jatt and Sarah Jane Smith |
Then we move on to slides for the Doctors.
The Twelfth Doctor
The Twelfth Doctor
The Twelfth Doctor |
The Eleventh Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor |
The Ninth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor |
The Ninth Doctor |
The War Doctor |
The War Doctor |
The War Doctor |
The Eighth Doctor |
The Eighth Doctor |
The Eighth Doctor |
The Seventh Doctor |
The Seventh Doctor |
The Seventh Doctor |
The Sixth Doctor |
The Sixth Doctor |
The Sixth Doctor |
The Fifth Doctor |
The Fifth Doctor |
The Fifth Doctor |
The Fourth Doctor |
The Fourth Doctor |
The Fourth Doctor |
The Third Doctor
The Third Doctor and Jo Grant
The Third Doctor |
The Second Doctor
The Second Doctor
The Second Doctor
The First Doctor
The First Doctor
The First Doctor
And back to the floating heads.
A Sea Devil and the Master |
A Zygon and the Master |
Sil and Missy |
Sharaz Jek and Missy |
An Auton and the Master |
A Robot and the Master |
Sutek and the Master |
An Ogron and the Master |
A Haemovore and the Master |
The Master and Scaroth |
Now we're going further than we've ever been before. I won't caption the next lot, it's pretty obvious who they are.
Now the shots from the Brain of Morbius.
Some final shots from The Timeless Children.
That's it. Sorry folks, no Peter Cushing or Richard E Grant. Justice for Rory Pond, obviously. If I've mis-identified anything do let me know and I'll post a correction.
Awesome! I think the one you labelled Rassilon is John Simm's Master. And he's there with the Zygon as well.
I think who you've put down as Rassilon is the Simm Master
Just a note that it's Sister Jatt, not Novice Hame (the jawline and eyes are different for the two actresses). Oh, and it's Haemovore, not Hermivore. Great to see each image, though. Thought I was going to have to wait until the DVD came out to see who/what was shown!
You beat us to it, we were working on the same project. Bravo!
Thanks for the corrections.
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