Klein's Story (Survival of the Fittest)

Audio  Klein's Story dates from the period in the late 00s when Big Finish's monthly range, in an effort to make them feel snappier like the TV series, were split between a single episode story followed by a three-parter and this fills in the blanks on a narrative I've not otherwise heard related to an alternative timeline were, it seems, the Seventh Doctor and Ace accidentally caused the Third Reich to win World War II.  It's rather like a companion chronicle or Short Trip with the (former?) Nazi relating how she managed to get her hands on a TARDIS.

In the course of events she meets that timeline's Eighth Doctor who's using the alias Johann Schmidt after having regenerated from Seventh who was gunned down whilst evading capture, his TARDIS already confiscated.  In his dialogue, Paul McGann affects an ever so slight German accent but he's still the man he'd become in the main timeline, albeit following the plans set in motion by his previous self to rectify the cause of events which he (spoiler warning!) succeeds in doing whilst simultaneous helping political prisoners evade the Nazis.  The Doctor hates fascists, no matter the timeline.

Placement:  The newly renamed "Alternative Eighth Doctors".

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