Review 2023: A Review of 2023: January.

That Day    The joke about the annual reviews on this has usually been that they're not really annual reviews as such and often had nothing at all to do with the twelve months preceding them.  But after the anniversary nonsense last year (and this year and as we've discussed next), I decided that just this once I would actually do a review of the year.

Almost every day this year I've been collecting what seem to be the most significant or at least the most talked about news stories or happenings and keeping them as a list.  Sometimes I've just written something else or kept a record of something so outlandish it had to be saved for posterity.  If something looks especially esoteric, I've probably forgotten for a couple of days and wanted to fill a gap.

Ferris Bueller says “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”  Here's 365 examples of me doing just that.  It's all the stuff you either may have forgotten or didn't see in the first place.  Each piece will be accompanied by one of a favourite song containing the name of the month.

Anyway, to January which began with something which probably defined the year.

01    Scarborough cancelled their New Year fireworks display for a visiting walrus, only for it to masturbate and leave

04    I had a job interview.

06    I did not get the job.

11    Michelle Yeoh won a Golden Globe.  Told house band to "shut up" when they tried to play her off.

14    Read in this book that the original Norse Loki transformed himself into a mare so he could be impregnated by a stallion and give birth to an eight legged horse which then became Odin's favourite steed.  Sadly this did not happen in season two of the Disney+ series.

22    The extent of Jeremy Renner's injuries revealed after snow plough accident.

25    After a long search, I bought a new bookcase from Argos to store my Doctor Who discs.

27    Video shows police brutally beating Tyre Nichols—then laughing about it.  The protest were peaceful so the media moved on within a couple of days.

30    There's a general sense that January is never going to end.  Brexitcast reunion.

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