Pot and Kettle.

TV  What a fucking episode.  I can't believe something with an ending that nihilistic went out in prime time on BBC One.  It's Midnight on steroids.  It's Blink with a malevolent protagonist.  It's pissed off precisely the people in needs to, and wiped the smugness off the rest of our faces.

Three remarkable things.  One, in crafting that protagonist and through Callie Cooke's performance, Lindy is presented as someone who's not completely likeable but has the potential to go through some kind of redemption arc.  We're rooting for her to be better and then we're reminded people aren't really like that.

Two.  Ncuti's performance at the climax is completely stellar and rightly receiving plaudits, but watch Millie in those moments, tearfully waiting for the correct time to approach him, stepping forward and away,  then having signalled it's time to go with a touch walks back to the TARDIS.

Three.  Ricky September:  RTD writes him like the Doctor and Tom Rhys Harries plays him as such so he's immediately heroic which makes his end all the more gut-wrenching. Then you realise he's still *there* living in this place with these people and ultimately as bad as the rest of them.

[If this looks a bit short, it's because I've just posted it to the newer socials and wanted to add it here for posterity (and to correct some of the English).  It's not a review though.  It's too short for one thing and doesn't mention the episode title or indeed which series I'm referring to.]

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