Film Watching 'The Blair Witch Project' again the other night after leaving a safe distance from that disasterous time I saw it at the cinema (when the audiences chatted and walked out through out screwing the tension somewhat) it occured to me how much I prefer the intimacy of low budget film making to the gloss of the big budget. Dogme 95 were right in many ways ... an orchestral score and glossy photography only really detract from the story. As one commentator pointed out in the previously linked Guardian articles, the studio process only serves to rip the heart out of the best stories. And so it's good to hear someone like Richard Linklater returning to the cheaper end of film making with his new film 'Tape' created in a single room with three actors and a digital camera. Annlee Ellingson's short interview with Linklater emphasises the technique, and offers a short lesson in the advantages.

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