Architecture The Bronx Zoo houses one of the largest breeding groups of Gorillas in captivity. What better place then to experiment with a new type of zoo housing -- one developed with the animal in mind, the visitor's ability to see them of secondary concern:

'The concept of a zoo has been transformed from a place where people see animals behind barriers to one where the boundaries between people and wild species take the form of streams, thickets, and occasional expansive sheets of glass. It forges a link for visitors between learning about these unique animals and participating in conservation efforts. The design breaks down barriers between the viewer and the viewed, the natural and the man-made. The rain forest is replicated so effectively that both inhabitants and visitors accept it as the real thing. It is a rich, green environment that provides a year-round equatorial climate. Structures and pathways are inconspicuous so the animals thrive without being disturbed by spectators."

After seeing footage of the conditions in East European Zoos for years I found myself unable to go back to one, even though it meant I wouldn't ever see these animals for real. Ifhese new ideas in the presentation of the animals spread to the UK I might be pursuaded to go back; but of course this would cost money and sadly again I fear, the concerns of the captive human seem to be of primary concern.

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