Children in fake beards as middle age woman looks on


Children in fake beards as middle age woman looks on
Originally uploaded by feelinglistless.

Probably the most manic of the collection. Why are all those children wearing fake plastic beards. For some reason I'm leaning towards a Rolf Harris explanation, or it could be something even more sinister than that.

[This is not my photo. I bought a box of slides at a car boot sale a few years ago and inbetween the art pictures and oddly images of Apollo 16 were a series of photos of holidays, weddings and family life. They have an erie quality to them which suggests not only a different time and place but also reality as though they mean something other. I'm posting them in case anyone has any idea what that might be.]

1 comment:

crossoverman said...

Oh, that's very disturbing. I hope someone can offer an explanation soon.
