your tolerance of it

TV The BBC's new web series, The Well, or that thing with new nu-Who companion Karen Gillan I nearly blundered into earlier in the year is now online. It's a teen horror thing supported by an online game and your tolerance of it will probably depend on whether you can stand dialogue which includes what look likes an unironic use of the phrase "No probs, dollface." and if you want to watch the cast of Why Don't You? recreating The Descent or The Hole (I'm not sure which yet).

All eyes on Karen Gillan. She's in it quite a lot but not given much to do but be a bit posh and offer scorn and exposition. This isn't a Billie Piper in Bella and the Boys style eurekacorblimeyshe'sgood moment. She does give the odd look which hints at something interesting, but sadly The Kevin Bishop Show was a better shop window for what we can expect from Amy Pond, especially since there she was allowed to use her own accent. Plus it doesn't help that the other actress looks a bit like a young Billie (if you squint).

The house they borrowed is Ullet Grange, a Victorian Chateau which as of last year was in the process of being turned into apartments through a co-housing scheme. There's a better view of it at Panoramio, and you can just about make out the roof on Google Maps:

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As you can see it's fairly well hidden by trees which is probably why it made an ideal shooting location.

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