Rotten Tomatoes #fail

Film Here is a story about a popular website critically ignoring its user base since acquisition.

The "My Critics" feature on the now Flixter owned Rotten Tomatoes was originally added so that users could look for the aggregated opinion of just their favourite critics rather than the great mass of anyone with an opinion and web connection.

Just the thing for someone like me who only values the opinion of about four people.

It has been broken for what could be four years.

There are ongoing threads in the help forums and all of them feature complaints from users saying that they signed up expecting the feature to be working but are now disappointed to find that it isn't, some noting that the instructions for the feature seem to relate to an earlier version of the site and are no long valid.

This is the longest running, begun in 2006 and still being update:

From what I can see, no one from RT has visited the thread to offer an explanation despite the many hundreds of comments which have been left, the 15,483 current page views and being the fifth item on the forum list -- though as you can see if that forum was still being moderated, there wouldn't also be the dozens of spam threads originally posted in February).

That thread has been running for so long, in the meantime the Firefox browser has been launched and the latest comment suggests a workaround in the form of a Greasemonkey script.

Considering the size of the Rotten Tomatoes brand name, their tech support is non-existent. If the feature won't ever be working again, why not just remove it? Why the tease?

Rotten Tomatoes #fail etc.

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