a particular season

TV Here's where we're up to:

The BBC have commissioned the usual thirteen episodes of Doctor Who for next year, plus a Christmas special. They will star Matt Smith. John Fay is writing one of them.

But the BBC have said: "The new commission is a big commitment, not many other shows have such a commitment so far in advance. We do not know yet how many will air in 2012."

I have no idea what to make of that. Unless they're falling into a Sarah Jane Adventures style production schedule (the reason why we still three more stories to watch) in which more episodes than required for a particular season are being produced so they'll run eight then have another six banked or what have you.

Either that or the BBC press office person is being deliberately abstruse.

What none of this does confirm is whether either Karen or Arthur are returning although with various projects having been announced for them, it does look rather like they'll be leaving us at the end of this series.

Which means they'd already have to be thinking about what to do next.

Do we think Alex Kingston would commit to a whole series?

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