Film Back in 1994 and 1998, BBC Two offered a strand called "Lost and Found", seasons of films described as being "rarely (or never before) seen on television, or presented in restored versions" something I was entirely unaware of until the VHS Video Vault YouTube channel, part of the VHistory blog, uploaded an introduction to Michael Mann's The Keep (see below).
The BBC Genome predictably has a list of all the films in this strand. Just as a test, I'm also going to see how available these ancient scheduling choice are now. At a time when the notion is that everything is supposed to be just there, sometimes its good to see if that's actually true, especially with a list of film developed before the introduction of dvd.
1994 Season
Becky Sharp
(Rouben Mamoulian, 1935)
No official UK release but multiple other editions available from abroad. But buyer beware. The reviews are the same on all the editions listed on Amazon. This page says the cheapest has atrocious sound. There's an pleasantly poor print at the Internet Archive which says the film's in the public domain - which might account for what it's all over Google's video service as well.
A Star Is Born
(George Cukor, 1954)
I actually have a copy of the Warner Home Video BD which is utterly gorgeous and seems to be the version suggested in the listings, with scenes restored from surviving footage (mainly the characters in long shot travelling and getting in and out of cars) and set photographs with an audio track underneath which looks for all the world like a Doctor Who recon.
The Ghost Ship
(Mark Robson, 1943)
Region one double pack with Leopard Man or region two double pack with The Seventh Victim.
The Keep
(Michael Mann, 1983)
Still no dvd release. Only available on a deleted VHS. Given that, it's quite extraordinarily on Netflix UK at the moment. Best watch it then.
Caged Heat
(Jonathan Demme, 1974)
Multiple editions, with varying degrees of exploitation covers.
Before the Revolution
(Bernardo Bertolucci, 1964)
UK BFI release.
(Raoul Walsh, 1947)
Region free dvd release.
Tokyo Drifter
(Seijun Suzuki, 1966)
UK dvd release from Yume Pictures at a budget price.
Confidential Report
(Orson Welles, 1955)
UK release as Mr Arkadin. There's also a Criterion release which has three different versions.
I Only Want You to Love Me
(Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1976)
UK release of a restored print from Park Circus.
It Happened Here
(Kevin Brownlow and Andrew Mollo, 1963)
UK release.
(Lewis Allen, 1954)
UK multiple releases which suggests its out of copyright.
Le Samourai
(Jean-Pierre Melville, 1967)
Criterion release (R1). French BD.
1998 Season
(Michael Anderson, 1950)
UK BD release from Network. Well done chaps.
The Man from Morocco
(Max Greene, 1944)
UK DVD release from Network.
Car of Dreams
(Graham Cutts & Austin Melford, 1935)
UK DVD release as part of a John Mills boxed set by ITV Studios.
Owd Bob
(Robert Stevenson, 1938)
UK DVD release from Odeon Entertainment.
Street Song
(Bernard Vorhaus, 1935)
No dvd release. Not at the Internet Archive or on YouTube. The list has finally defeated us.
Nevertheless for whatever reason most of these films are available in some form or other and loads in the UK thanks in large part to Network. Congratulations to the modern world.
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