Links for 2007-02-23 [] - Rmail

  • filmlog: Memento (2001)
    .twists wonderful with drama executed Attentatively ?work information narrative restricted of levels different how and narrative non-linear a what explaining of way all catch a gave they'd that so tutors studies film by sponsored actually this Was
  • Amnestity International UK : Stop internet repression
    "Amnesty is urging web users to take action on behalf of individuals persecuted and imprisoned for expressing their opinions online."
  • filmlog: Topsy-Turvy (1999)
    Splendid period back stage musical that pleasingly demonstrates why Gilbert & Sullivan really aren't the enemy. Particularly liked the details on how new technology was being viewed by late-Victorian society. Bit too long though.
  • filmlog: Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
    Good fun although I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would -- it was a bit repetitive in places and none of the action sequences had the same wit as those that appear in the shorts. Or perhaps I just can't work out what I was a bit disappointed.
  • filmlog: A History of Violence (2005)
    Clever genre bender that demonstrates that a film needn't be two hours long to present thematic and narrative depth. Great performances although if you've seen Lord of the Rings, you can hear what Howard Shore's temp track was a mile away.
  • Pistachio Restaurant
    New (if a bit expensive) restaurant that has opened on Lark Lane, Liverpool. There's to be a Sunday club with film showings...
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