
Quiz! On Sunday night, on a whim, because sometimes I can have a whim and do things on them, I ran an ad-hoc music quiz on twitter. After it was over, I suggested that we should have a proper quiz some time and that I'd write about it on the blog "in the next few days..." Here it is.

I suggest we convene on Twitter at around eight o'clock GMT on Sunday 2nd August.

Here's how I think it should work:

* No prizes. This is just for fun. An experiment.

* There will be just ten questions. At least this time, just to see how we go.

* General knowledge to give everyone a fair go.

* I'll tweet a question about every five minutes and everyone will have those five minutes to @reply with an answer.

* At the end of the five minutes I'll tweet the answer and a scoreboard so that everyone can see where they're up to.

And, um, that's it. Everything else is up to your own conscience. You know what I mean. Pub quizzes haven't been the same since the invention of the text message have they?

Sound good? Oh and the hash tag will be #fltq (feeling listless twitter quiz, you see, plus its short enough to make room for the questions). And you'll obviously need to follow me to take part at http://www.twitter.com/feelinglistess.

1 comment:

Matthew Rudd said...

Would I be able to "Tweet A Friend" if I don't know the answer?